Extent of the City of West Linn; my hometown
Full PDF version of my analysis available at the bottom of the page.
The extent of the city of West Linn shown here was produced by me.
Data Sources: Oregon Spatial Data Library, Clackamas County GIS Data Portal, and USGS The National Map. c2019 Created: 20 Jan. 2019 in ArcMap 10.6.1 Projection: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington South FIPS 4602 feet
Figure 1
Several barriers upstream of a potential coho salmon spawning ground.
Figure 2
Known fish barriers that are within immediate relative distance to high traffic bridges.
Figure 3
The concentration of bridges in a short section nearby the current known coho salmon migration route. The Portland Hills Fault Line can also be observed dissecting most of the concentration of bridges.
Figure 4
Credit:West Linn GIS
Aerial image of the extent of West Linn as analyzed above.